A day in the life: Andreah edition

I am currently the unemployed sister. Which, let me tell you, sucks. I hate sitting around doing nothing. Thankfully that won’t be the case soon, with a current job prospect on the horizon, but right now, my days are boring.

A typical day in the life of me right now is tedious and long and just plain redundant. Most days run into each other, so I honestly can’t tell you which day is which.

Thankfully though, the day I decided to do “My day in the life: Andreah edition,” was the day I needed to paint, but I am getting ahead of myself.

A typical day starts between 7:30 and 8:30 a.m., depending on if I need the car, or if Joe wants 10 more minutes of ‘snuggles.’

I clearly don’t wear pyjamas to drop him off, because although I don’t have a job, I still may be asked if I could help, so I always wear dark clothes, and try to look awake, Which as you can see isn’t the case this morning.

Super awake face.

Super awake face

Then I feed our house guests, a.k.a. the reason why Julia can’t visit us at the moment.

Niko. And a can that was played with, silly cats!

Niko. And a can that was played with, silly cats!



We lock up…
…and take the stairs, that totally are haunted. I don’t care if you think I’m crazy, I swear there is an angry old man in them.

Super creepy staircase.

Super creepy staircase

We get in Gladys, and drive to the shop to drop off the Joe.

When I get back I usually start cleaning. Today is the bathroom…

All clean!

All clean!

…the vacuuming, mopping, and sweeping…

My vacuum.

My vacuum.

…and then the painting.

Before the paint!

Before the paint!

And then the after (Don't mind the dishes, they are for later)

And then the after (Don’t mind the dishes, they are for later).

Then I go through more of our stuff, decide what needs to go, what needs to stay, and then organize.
Then around 6:30-7:00 I head to the shop, and wait for Joe to be done at work.

We come home, make dinner at whatever time we get back, and eat.

Apparently the sisterhood is doing chicken!

Apparently the sisterhood is doing chicken!

Then we watch a movie/season of a TV show/play video games. Relax, and talk about our days.

Nighttime snuggles!

Nighttime snuggles!

I know, though, that one day there will not be all the time in the world, I will miss these moments, alone, in a clean house, but for right now, I wish it was a little less lonely.

So there you have it, a day in the life of Andreah at the moment. Times are going to change and days will be completely different! Here’s hoping!

~ Andreah

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